Victory! Pigs Saved from the Crosshairs in New Zealand

Written by PETA

We’ve gotten pigs out of the crosshairs at laboratories in New Zealand!

Last week, PETA exposed experimenters at the New Zealand government’s Institute of Environmental Science and Research, who in collaboration with personnel from the University of Auckland and the University of Otago, were conducting bloodstain-pattern experiments on live pigs. The animals were tied down and shot in the head – in some cases, repeatedly and at close range – just to see how the blood spatters from the bullet wound …

PETA (press release) (blog) – September 24, 2015

Victory! Pigs Saved from the Crosshairs in New Zealand


The UGA Medical Training Class That Killed Dogs Really Lasted Until 2014

By Blake Aued

On Monday, the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said it was filing a federal complaint (… ) about a University of Georgia veterinary college program that trained National Guard soldiers in battlefield medicine using live goats, pigs and dogs …

Flagpole Magazine – September 24, 2015 at 12:05 PM…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sep 24, 2015)

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