Shooting Medallist Accused Of Illegal Whaling This Week on Fieldsports Channel TV

United Kingdom — ( ) – The headlines this week: Olympic shooting medalist accused of whaling, RSPCA in meltdown and man catches fish with his own hair.

London 2012 Olympic double trap gold medallist Peter Wilson has been accused of illegal whale hunting. He was travelling to shooting world championships in Peru to coach British junior James Dedman. Peruvian customs officers at Lima airport saw James’s shotgun and immediately detained Peter and James for being illegal whale hunters … (press release) – Published on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shooting Medallist Accused Of Illegal Whaling This Week on Fieldsports Channel TV


World Rhino Day aims to take Twitter by storm with #iam4rhinos

World Rhino Day is now in its fourth year.

Established on September 22, 2010 by WWF South Africa, the annual event focused on raising awareness on the increased threat of rhino poaching and the illegal trade in rhino horn has become a global phenomenon …

Times LIVE – 19 September, 2013 14:44…

More information:

Africa: New Study Profiles Rhino Horn Buyers…


Law enforcement to review complaint of lobster cruelty against Bean’s Rockland processing plant

By Stephen Betts, BDN Staff

ROCKLAND, Maine — Local law enforcement leaders say they will review a complaint filed by an animal rights group which wants criminal charges to be filed against Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster company over its processing of the seafood …

Bangor Daily News – Posted Sept. 19, 2013, at 12:38 p.m.

Police, prosecutor to review PETA’s complaint of lobster cruelty against Linda Bean


Thomas Cook bans promotion of Pamplona bull run following pressure from PETA

By Sarah Gordon

Animal rights campaigners are celebrating after two major travel companies agreed to stop promoting the Pamplona bull run in Spain.

Thomas Cook confirmed it would take down any references to the historic bull run through the streets of the city, staged as part of Pamplona’s Fiesta de San Fermin each July, following pressure from animal group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) …

Daily Mail – 10:46 GMT, 19 September 2013…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sep 19, 2013)

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