Devastating research for rhinos as only 1 in 3 who want to buy horn actually do
Posted by Kevin Heath
New research just published by TRAFFIC and WWF-South Africa is devastating news for the rhino. Despite rhino killing surging in the last 5 years the research shows there are 3 times more people in Vietnam who plan or intend to use rhino horn in the future than actually uses rhino horn at the moment …
Wildlife News – September 17th, 2013 at 3:49 pm
Devastating research for rhinos as only 1 in 3 who want to buy horn actually do
Travel companies take a stand against Running of the Bulls
Thomas Cook and Brittany Ferries are the latest high-profile travel companies to take a stand against Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, by removing promotional material from their websites.
This follows a campaign run by PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – to raise awareness about the cruelty involved in the popular annual event … – 17 September 2013 3:46 PM…
PETA Allegedly Exposes Grisly, ‘Primitive and Painful Killing’ Methods Used in Maine Lobster Processing Facility With Undercover Footage (VIDEO)
By Julia Lynn Rubin
A video secretly shot by an undercover member of PETA (… ) allegedly exposes a Maine lobster processing facility’s grisly, illegal methods in killing their crustaceans, and the controversial animal rights organization is outraged, the Portland Press Herald (… ) reports …
Headlines & Global News – Sep 17, 2013 02:04 PM EDT…
Amazon deforestation due in part to soybean growing
Agence France-Presse
Fighting deforestation of the Amazon for cattle raising and farming is one of the great rallying cries of the world’s conservationists …
GlobalPost – September 17, 2013 13:22…
Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sep 18, 2013)