Walter Palmer Breaks Silence, Says Killing of Lion Was Legal (Video)

By: Daniel Xu

On Tuesday, 55-year-old Walter Palmer returned to his dental practice in Bloomington, Minnesota. It was the first time the dentist returned to his office since media outlets identified him as the man who shot and killed Cecil, a popular black-maned lion in Zimbabwe.

Palmer gave and in-depth interview to the press when he met with reporters from the Minneapolis Star Tribune (… ) and the Associated Press on Sunday. In the 20-minute interview, Palmer reaffirmed his belief that the kill was legal and corrected several “inaccuracies” that have been widely circulated in the news. The Minnesota dentist also commented on the protests, criticism, hate mail, and death threats that have been sent to him …

OutdoorHub – Posted: 9/8/15

Walter Palmer Breaks Silence, Says Killing of Lion Was Legal


EU parliament strengthens seal hunt ban


European lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to strengthen an EU ban on seal products, narrowing exceptions made for Canada’s indigenous Inuits.

The European Union has banned the trade on seal products ( ) since 2009 but maintained exceptions for products resulting from indigenous hunts as well as activity intended to help maintain fish stocks ( ) …

Phys.Org – September 8, 2015…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sep 08, 2015)

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