Happy 40th Birthday to ROLDA’s Founder!

Happy Birthday, Dana!!!

Dear Woehl,

We invite you to wish ROLDA’s Founder, Dana Costin, a Happy Birthday!

Dana turns 40 today!!!

Dana began helping stray dogs in her hometown of Galati, Romania since she was 20 and founded ROLDA in 2004. For 20 years, Dana has been a leader and a pioneer for animal welfare in her community, her country, and our world.

Dana has raised awareness for the homeless, abandoned, and abused animals in Romania, and her foundation has rehomed thousands of Romanian stray dogs with loving families across Europe. Her passion and dedication have inspired thousands of people worldwide to stand up for animal rights, and she is always mindful that her accomplishments are not her own, but the collective work of her dedicated supporters, family, friends, staff, and volunteers, and everyone else who has ever contributed to her cause.

For Dana, it’s never “I saved a life!” It’s always “WE saved a life!”

And that includes you, Woehl.

Thank you, for helping Dana and ROLDA make a difference!


The ROLDA Team


“I am celebrating a milestone year by turning 40, but for me, my birthday is always a celebration of another year of life that I am grateful to have, and that means another year that I get to make a difference in the lives of animals in Romania. Together we are resourceful, generous, empathic, and humane! I am proud to have shared 20 years of my life in such noble company! Thank you for all your support!” — Dana Costin


ROLDA ( rolda.org/ ) is an international charity that helps homeless animals in Romania using a responsible, efficient, and humane approach.

Our programs serve homeless, abandoned, and abused animals, as well as pets with financially troubled owners such as senior citizens, retirees, and unemployed people … all who have difficulty providing for their furry companions.

Visit our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/ROLDADOGS/ ). Like it and Share it to help us save more animals in Romania!


Copyright © 2018 ROLDA.All rights reserved.


ROLDA News Team (October 07, 2018 at 05:08 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 07, 2018)

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