Dog fighting for his life after struck by car. Please help.

Dear Woehl,

Millions of stray dogs are killed or injured on the road each year. When a vehicle-animal accident is not fatal, the injury the animal sustains can be permanent. Paralysis and amputation are the most common.

For many stray dogs, the sound of a car’s screeching brakes is the last sound they ever hear. Sometimes drivers don’t even bother to brake, and the dogs they strike suffer agonizing pain at the edge of the road until they die alone. And those who manage to survive, lay suffering and have no other choice but to live with pain the rest of their lives—fractured bones fractured that never heal or open wounds that get infected and slowly deteriorate their health.

Pet dogs are also victims of road accidents, but in most cases, their owners are there to either take them to the vet or to remain by their side as they succumb to their injuries.

But what do pet owners do when they cannot afford the vet bill to save their dog’s life?

Pufulet is a tiny pet dog of a senior citizen from the village of Galati, Romania (where our ROLDA shelter is located).

Pufulet is her life. One day, Pufulet wandered from his home and was struck by a car. He was thrown a few meters but, luckily, landed on some grass. However, the impact damaged one of his eyes and broke three thoracic vertebrae which caused an open wound. When his owner came, Pufulet was bleeding profusely.

She rushed Pufulet to the vet, who told her that he may not recover, and if he did, he will be crippled forever. She was also informed that Pufulet would require multiple procedures that are expensive.

She could not afford the veterinary costs, but she refused to give up on Pufulet. So, she reached out to ROLDA for help. We have rushed Pufulet to our veterinarian, Andrei, who is desperately trying to save Pufulet.

Right now, we can only wait.

We truly admire this woman’s love for her furry friend and her dedication to save him.

Woehl can you make a small donation to help Pufulet? (… ) Your contribution is what enables ROLDA to help impoverished pet owners in our community.

For some of these villagers, their pets are all they have. Their love for their pets is pure and protect them as best as they can. Anyone’s dog can wander off and be hit by a car, and we would all like for someone to help us in any way they can.

Woehl remember that your donation today will be matched. Pufulet needs all the help he can get.

Thank you, kindly, Woehl.


ROLDA (… ) is an international charity that helps homeless animals in Romania using a responsible, efficient, and humane approach.

Our programs serve homeless, abandoned, and abused animals, as well as pets with financially troubled owners such as senior citizens, retirees, and unemployed people … all who have difficulty providing for their furry companions.

Visit our Facebook (… ) page. Like it and Share it to help us save more animals in Romania!

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———- (October 03, 2020 at 06:43 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 03, 2020)

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