Discovery’s anaconda man bites back at critics in revealing interview

By James Hibberd

We all have goals. Some of us want money, others seek love, fitness, peace or fame. Paul Rosolie wants something else. For the past two years, the naturist and author has a goal that quite possibly no man in the history of the world has ever had: to be eaten by a giant green anaconda. Discovery Channel, no fools they, agreed to help him on this quest and outbid other networks for the opportunity to document his journey …

Entertainment Weekly – Nov 30, 2014 at 10:35 AM…


5,000 Buffalo Sacrificed: Thousands Of Buffalo Killed In Nepal For Religious Tradition

[Image via Al Jazeera]

5,000 buffalo sacrificed is a lot of animals to slaughter at one time in one place. This occurred at a religious tradition that happens every five years in Nepal. Graphic images from the massive killings are being released from the Hindu Gadhimai festival, which is the largest animal ritual ceremony in the world …

The Inquisitr – November 29, 2014

5,000 Buffalo Sacrificed: Thousands Of Buffalo Killed In Nepal For Religious Tradition


Japan Is Back in the Hunt for Whales


Claiming purely “scientific” motives, Japan’s political leaders are cynically planning to resume whale hunting (… ) in the Southern Ocean, despite the International Court of Justice finding that the Japanese government regularly violated its obligations under the international ban against commercial whaling off Antarctica …

New York Times – NOV 29, 2014


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Nov 30, 2014)

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