Whale sightings prompt rethink
Blue whales along the South Taranaki coast might be doing more than just passing through on their way to and from Antarctica.
A recent study by Niwa showed there are more blue whales in the area than expected, and more research was now being done to ensure the region’s oil and gas exploration sites didn’t harm the species.
Niwa marine ecologist Leigh Torres said shipping and seabed mining activities had been shown to influence blue whales directly by altering their behaviour and affecting their habitat …
Stuff.co.nz – Last updated 05:00 20/05/2013
New tactic in works for fishing, hunting and wildlife watching survey (Video)
By: Charles Pekow
A new National Survey of Fishing ( www.examiner.com/topic/fishing ), Hunting ( www.examiner.com/topic/hunting ), and Wildlife-( www.examiner.com/topic/wildlif… )Associated Recreation Pre-screener Test is in the works at the Census Bureau. The Department of Commerce, parent agency to the bureau, is officially announcing the plan for the survey on Monday, May 19. You can read about it here first: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-… …
Examiner.com – May 19, 2013
In pursuit of Hawaii’s wily feral pigs
The New York Times
Hawaii’s hospitable habitat has long been overrun by opportunistic outsiders, including feral pigs. So upon returning to Hawaii, a writer goes hunting.
Our plan the first day was not to kill the beast but to follow him, to observe his home and habits, to see the evil that he did and maybe get in his face …
The Seattle Times – Originally published Sunday, May 19, 2013 at 8:01 AM
Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 19, 2013)