CG reexamines use of live goats

WASHINGTON (CNN) – One year after a video surfaced showing government contractors using hedge clippers to cuts limbs off anesthetized goats — an effort to replicate wartime injuries — the U.S. Coast Guard says it is looking for training that does not use live animals …

WISH – Monday, 06 May 2013, 11:15 AM EDT…


Polar Bear Trophy Hunters: Kill Now, Get Permission Later

Lawmakers introduce legislation that would legalize the import of polar bear parts.

By David Kirby

Most people don’t know it, but polar bears are officially classified as marine mammals, and as such are included under the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act. They are also listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, affording the iconic animals further protection against hunting, trapping and capturing.

But over the past few years, those laws did not stop a handful of wealthy individuals from flying up to Canada to bag a “trophy” polar bear for their collection back home, even though they were warned that U.S. law would prohibit the importation of skins, heads and other products from the bears they were hunting …

TakePart – May 5, 2013…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 06, 2013)

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