Korean governments using taxpayer money to support meat dog farms | Appeal to Samsung (Video)

Appeal to Samsung to Help Stop Dog Meat Cruelty in South Korea

Samsung is the most powerful company of all the conglomerates in South Korea. When Samsung management talks, the president of Korea listens, but Samsung has shown indifference to helping in the fight to end the practice of dog and cat meat cruelty in their country. It’s time for Samsung to speak up and do their part to bring an end to this illegal and unethical practice of brutalizing and eating man’s best friends. Write to the management of Samsung today as a member of the international community and request that they become a catalyst for positive change by ending the dog meat industry.

Click HERE to take action:

Appeal to Samsung to Help Stop Dog Meat Cruelty in South Korea

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Newsletter – May 3, 2018


Sent: May 04, 2018 at 00:15 AM
From: “KoreanDogs.orginfo@KoreanDogs.org
To: pattersonmatpatt@gmx.net
Subject: Korean governments using taxpayer money to support meat dog farms | Appeal to Samsung


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (May 05, 2018; 02:04 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 05, 2018)

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