Australia Seeks to Stop Animal Rights Groups With Tough Video Laws

By Reuters

Sydney – Australia is considering tougher laws to stop animal rights activists secretly filming on farms and abattoirs and airing the vision in an effort to protect a multimillion dollar livestock trade, a move rights groups say will hide abuse.

South Australia state is furthest along with a draft law before parliament that would impose heavy fines and a three-year jail term for secretly recording animal cruelty images …

Jakarta Globe – Jul 25, 2014 at 02:49 PM…


PETA Freaking Out on Princeton Over Marmoset Monkey Business

Oh, the humanity.

By Victor Fiorillo

Usually, when we hear PETA making noise about monkeys, it involves researchers shooting cute little monkeys full of horrible chemicals or killing them in the name of science. But in this latest case, the accused may have outdone all previous instances of animal cruelty, because the allegations involve — are you sitting down? — a FERRET EXERCISE BALL …

Philadelphia Magazine (blog) – July 25, 2014 at 12:46 PM

PETA Freaking Out on Princeton Over Marmoset Monkey Business


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 25, 2014)

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