Ask Airline to STOP Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths! (Video)

Every year, nearly 20,000 monkeys are ripped from their families and shipped to their deaths in U.S. laboratories.

Terrified and confused, they’re packed into tiny crates inside the cargo holds of passenger airlines and flown overseas, where they live the rest of their lives imprisoned and tormented in cruel experiments (… ).



More information:

Animals Are Not Ours To Experiment On (Video)

If you’ve ever seen video footage of a cat, a dog, a mouse, a primate, or any other animal who is being tested on, you already know how cruel and wrong it is. Animal testing, or vivisection, cannot be done without causing pain and suffering to—and in most cases, killing—innocent animals who didn’t choose to donate their bodies to science ……

Whitney Calk
Youth Campaigns Project Manager | peta2


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (July 20, 2014 at 06:00 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 20, 2014)

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