Japan raises spectre of whaling treaty withdrawal

Andrew Darby

Australia’s bid to outlaw scientific whaling by Japan has closed with the Asian power warning a decision against it could force it to quit the International Whaling Commission.

Deputy foreign minister Koji Tsuruoka said Japan relied on the International Court of Justice to find that it had obeyed the law by halting commercial whaling, and only conducting scientific whaling within the rules of the IWC treaty …

The Canberra Times – July 16, 2013 – 8:30 PM


WWF statement on ICJ whaling case

Today public hearings closed at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case between Australia and Japan over whaling by Japan in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica …

WWF International – Posted on 16 July 2013


How to Go Vegetarian the Right Way (Video)

By Abby Gilman for EthosMagazine.org

When is the last time you consumed a Big Mac or McChicken meal? Did you consider the effects your 99-cent meal had on the environment, your health and animals?

Buda-ba-ba-ba, I’m hatin’ it.

Or, at least animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is. Animal rights is the No. 1 reason PETA promotes vegetarian diets. The McCruelty campaign aims to impose less cruel forms of slaughtering upon McDonald’s meat suppliers …

Living Green Magazine – July 16, 2013


PETA wants egg producer to get in cage

Shannon Twomey

PETA have written a letter to an egg producer offering to give charity up to $3400 if he confines himself to cage.

The animal welfare group’s proposal has been made to egg producer Andrew Postregna who owns Tamarix Egg Farm in Dandenong South and states that PETA will donate $100 per hour to charity if Mr Postregna confines himself to a cage of similar proportions to his body, as the chickens’ cages are to theirs for 34 hours, the time it takes a chicken to produce an egg …

Weekly Times Now – July 16, 2013


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 16, 2013)

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