Labour promises to abandon badger cull immediately if wins power

By Gdemianyk

Labour will today put an immediate halt of the badger cull at the heart of its strategy to “lead the way” on protecting animals from cruelty.

Maria Eagle, Labour’s Shadow Environment Secretary, will launch a six-point plan to champion animal welfare on the tenth anniversary of the hunting ban initiated under Tony Blair.

In a speech, she will outline how an Ed Miliband government would uphold the Hunting Act amid Tory calls for a repeal, crackdown on shooting estates and ban wild animals in circuses.

The “Labour: Protecting Animals” document will make a fierce defence of its pledge to abandon the culling of badgers to halt the spread of bovine tuberculosis in cattle, which is rife in the South West …

Western Morning News – February 18, 2015…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Feb 18, 2015)

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