Vancouver Aquarium ordered to stop whale and dolphin breeding; is that ‘animal cruelty’?

By Matthew Coutts

The Vancouver Park Board drew a line in the sand, or perhaps the surf, this week when it decided that the Vancouver Aquarium could continue to keep whales and dolphins in captivity, but must not breed them or otherwise promote reproduction amongst the captive animals.

The decision comes as political pressure mounts against North American marine parks amid a growing concern about what captivity does to animals …

Yahoo News Canada (blog) – August 01, 2014…


Five things you can do today to help save the tiger

This week, as part of our Save the Tiger campaign (… ), we at The Independent have tried to show you some of the threats that tigers face; from the poaching of Amur tigers in Russia to those being bred for their bones in China …

The Independent – August 01, 2014 at 06:24 PM…

More information:

Here are some of the wonderful people working to save tigers…


New Zealand Steps in to Prevent Japanese From Whaling in 2015

Chrissy Spallone

Despite decreasing demand for whale meat and international bans on whaling, the Japanese have found loopholes to continue the cruel practice in the name of tradition, for sport, and to glean as much profit as possible while they still can …

One Green Planet – August 01, 2014

New Zealand Steps in to Prevent Japanese From Whaling in 2015


Deutsche See condemns whaling, but stands by HB Grandi amid pressure from Greenpeace

Alicia Villegas

German processor and supplier Deutsche See has shown its support to HB Grandi after Greenpeace’s pressures (… ) on the German company for buying from the Icelandic supplier, linked to whaling …

Undercurrent News – August 1, 2014, 4:21 pm

Deutsche See condemns whaling, but stands by HB Grandi amid pressure from Greenpeace


Air France, Stop Transporting Primates!


JULY 2014

The only passenger airline still transporting primates for laboratory facilities is Air France. It tries to justify its actions by claiming that primates are vital for research. However, Air France has no expertise in this area, particularly concerning the care, treatment, and special needs of monkeys. Other airlines, like United, have listened to consumer demands, and thanks in part to AAVS and our supporters, United Airlines announced earlier this year that it would no longer transport primates for research facilities.

We need your help in encouraging Air France to say NO to transporting primates for research!


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Sent: July 31, 2014 at 05:31 PM
From: AAVS
To: “Martina Patterson”
Subject: Air France, Stop Transporting Primates!


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (July 31, 2014 at 09:08 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (August 01, 2014)

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