Enjoy your Nutella
Earlier this year the WWF announced that Nutella, the chocolate spread, would soon be produced only from sustainable palm oil. This sounds like good news. Millions of hectares of rainforest have been cleared to make way for palm plantations. In Borneo and Sumatra, this could soon mean the extinction of the orangutan. The smog that recently enveloped Singapore was caused by fires used to clear forests …
London Review of Books (subscription) (blog) – 13 August 2013
Kim Basinger and PETA Help Stop Plan to Capture Belugas
by Amanda Just
The Georgia Aquarium and its Sea World affiliates wanted to capture Russian beluga whales to stock their small pools for the sake of profiting off animal exploitation. With a strong push from actress and animal rights activist, Kim Basinger and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), their request was denied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) …
Ecorazzi – August 13, 2013
Judge says SeaWorld trying to comply with rules
ORLANDO, Fla. – A federal judge says SeaWorld Orlando has made a good faith effort to comply with new workplace safety goals following the death of a trainer who was drowned by a killer whale in 2010 …
WFTV Orlando – Posted: 10:57 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2013
Protesters or Pirates?
Courtney Minick
For eight years, a battle has raged in the Southern Ocean. Japanese whaling companies, under the guise of scientific research, hunt whales and can their meat for profit. Sea Shepherd, a direct action advocacy group, chases their boats and hurls stink bombs, slippery powder, and ropes at the whaling boats to foul the meat and discourage the hunting. The drama plays out on Animal Planet’s TV show Whale Wars. The parties brought their fight to federal court in the United States, with some interesting results …
Justia Verdict – August 13, 2013
Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Aug 13, 2013)