Faroe Islanders May Soon Need Licenses to Participate in Traditional Whale Hunts
by Helene Hesselager O’Barry
New hope for pilot whales, or a political move aimed at silencing criticism?
The Minister of Fisheries in the Faroe Islands, Jacob Vestergaard, has proposed a new rule that affects Faroese pilot whale hunters: In order to participate in the island’s traditional whale slaughter – called grindadráp in Faroese – they must first undergo training in proper killing techniques. If Vestergaard’s proposal is accepted, whale hunters will then have to carry a license to participate in the hunts starting May 1, 2015 …
Earth Island Journal – August 9, 2013
The brutality of a nation – 267 whales killed in a day
Posted by Leya Musa
It is difficult to visualise a beach and coastline covered in blood but that is what must have happened on 30th July in Fuglafjørður at the Faroe Islands. On that one single day 267 pilot whales was brutally rounded up and dragged to shore to be killed …
Wildlife News – August 9th, 2013 at 12: 30 pm
Save The Tigers With Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian (www.looktothestars.org/celebri…) needs your help to save the tigers – and she’s giving you the chance to win a shopping spree at Dash.
The star is raising money for the WWF’s (www.looktothestars.org/charity…) mission to save tigers with a new campaign on fundraising platform Prizeo.com (www.prizeo.com/) …
Look To The Stars – August 9, 2013
Can PETA Promote Veganism Without Being Gross?
s.e. smith
The problem with PETA is that it knows that sex, controversy, and Internet rage sell.
Fun fact: I used to be vegan.
I was vegetarian through much of high school and vegan in college and beyond, before I was finally done in by a boy and a scrumptious roast boar (isn’t that everyone’s ultimate downfall?). I still don’t eat a lot of meat, but I guzzle cheese by the truckload, so, you know, there goes that whole vegan thing …
xoJane (blog) – August 9, 2013
Would you eat a ‘Frankenburger’? A butcher, a Hindu, and PETA’s president weigh in
By Staff
For some, meat grown from stem cells instead of harvested from animals is an answer to the age-old problem of killing one creature for another’s enjoyment. To others, the whole idea just seems ridiculous …
MetroNews Canada – August 9, 2013
Indian Tiger Reserve on Path to Revival
by WWF
Evidence of three more species has been found in the once-neglected Valmiki Tiger Reserve in north east India during the past two months …
Laboratory Equipment – Fri, 08/09/2013 – 8:33 am
Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Aug 09, 2013)