Activists welcome ruling demanding more evidence from Japan on lethal ‘research whaling’

Julian Ryall in Tokyo

Environmental activists have welcomed the decision by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to demand more evidence from Japan to support its plan to resume lethal “research whaling” in the Southern Ocean.

A panel set up by the commission examined Japan’s request to be permitted to catch 333 minke whales a year, down from the target of 1,035 it has harpooned in previous years, ruled that the “current proposal does not demonstrate the need for lethal sampling” …

South China Morning Post (subscription) – PUBLISHED: Tuesday, 14 April, 2015, 10:54pm / UPDATED: Wednesday, 15 April, 2015, 1:27am…

More information:

Japan Ready To Kill Thousands of Whales For “Science”

Japan Ready To Kill Thousands of Whales For “Science”

Japan’s Latest Plan of Whaling Provides no Scientific Reason for Slaughter: IWC Panel…

Japan says will try again with ‘scientific’ whaling programme…


Stop illegal ivory trade in Hong Kong, wildlife groups urge government

Bryan Harris

Wildlife groups urge the environment chiefto block licences that allow smugglers to send illegal stocks to carving factories across border.

The government was accused of “aiding and abetting” the illegal ivory trade as more than 50 wildlife protection groups urged it to take new measures to curb the industry and fight an “elephant poaching epidemic in Africa” …

South China Morning Post (subscription) – PUBLISHED: Tuesday, 14 April, 2015, 2:10pm / UPDATED: Wednesday, 15 April, 2015, 12:12am…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (April 14, 2015)

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