Greenpeace finds Taiwanese ship with ‘illegal’ shark fins


Greenpeace today said it boarded a Taiwanese ship allegedly operating illegally near Papua New Guinea, fishing for tuna and carrying bags of shark fins in what could be the latest example of the lucrative black trade in the region …

The Malaysian Insider – September 10, 2015, 11:38 PM…


Texas woman convicted of producing the most disgusting porn ever

By Aaron Sankin

This article contains graphic descriptions of animal abuse.

If this isn’t the most disturbing thing you’ve heard today, well, we’re sorry.

A Houston woman pleaded guilty on Tuesday to making “animal crush videos,” fetish pornographic films in which animals are killed or mutilated on camera.

Ashley Nicole Richards, 24, was convicted of producing and distributing a series of videos showing the torture and death of animals such as dogs, cats, and chickens …

The Daily Dot – Sep 9, 2015, 11:46 AM

Texas woman convicted of producing the most disgusting porn ever


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sep 10, 2015)

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