Why the End of Commercial Whaling Is Near

Orietta C. Estrada

The International Whaling Commission ( iwc.int/commercial ) sets the catch limits for commercial whaling and, in 1982, put into action a commercial whaling moratorium that went into effect in 1986. Despite the moratorium, which is still active today, Norway ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ) and Iceland have ignored the IWC and continued to kill whales. Furthermore, they blatantly defy the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora’s (CITES), which bans the international trade of whales and whale products.

Russia has formally registered an objection to the moratorium; however, they do not hunt whales for commercial purposes (entertainment is a different story). Japan still kills whales, but does so “in the name of science” through a loop hole in the IWC’s ban that allows for whales to be killed for research purposes …

One Green Planet – June 24, 2014

Why the End of Commercial Whaling Is Near


Ending Illegal Fishing is Crucial to Ensure a Healthy Ocean

By Susan Jackson and Michele Kuruc

Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry brought together some of the world’s leading thinkers to chart a path for securing the future of our planet’s oceans and the communities and economies they support. Leaders from more than 80 countries delved into the most pressing issues facing our oceans, including marine pollution, climate change and unsustainable fisheries …

Triple Pundit – Tuesday June 24th, 2014


Victorias Banned in Colaba

By ketan

The Mumbai traffic police have passed strict time limitations for Victoria rides and banned them altogether in Colaba and some other parts of the city, but horses there still need your help.The progress comes after years of appeals to authorities by PETA India, People for Animals and the Animals and Birds Charitable Trust …

Free Press Journal – June 24, 2014 07:19 pm


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 24, 2014)

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