Japanese PM admits seeking resumption of commercial whaling

Agence France-Presse in Tokyo

Japan’s prime minister has told parliament he will boost efforts towards restarting commercial whaling ( www.theguardian.com/environmen… ), despite an UN court order that Tokyo halt killing whales ( www.theguardian.com/environmen… ) in the Antarctic …

The Guardian – Monday 9 June 2014 17.26 BST


We’re united for wildlife, but whose side are you on? (Video)

WWF news

Today a host of global sporting heroes, including Andy Murray and David Beckham, have joined wildlife’s side in the fight against the illegal wildlife trade.

His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge hosted an event in central London, alongside David Beckham, to announce the sporting ambassadors for United for Wildlife’s ( www.unitedforwildlife.org/#!/ ) new campaign “Whose Side Are You On?” …

WWF-UK – 9 June 2014


Prince William launches online battle against wildlife crime

by Robert Jobson, Royal Editor

Prince William was today making an impassioned plea for support from young people in the fight against the illegal wildlife trade.

He called on people to unite online and on social media to expose the “invisible” trade and help save endangered species around the world …

Evening Standard – 14:39, 09 June 2014


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 09, 2014)

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