Major Victory For Seals! WTO Upholds EU Ban on Importing Seal Fur

Posted by Anne

JUST IN: In a landmark ruling for animals, the World Trade Organisation has decided to uphold the ban on importing seal products into the European Union (… ). This is a massive victory for compassion, and brings us one step closer to the day when no more baby seals will be beaten to death on Canada’s ice flows … (press release) (blog) – May 22, 2014 at 4:22 PM…


Toxic chemicals found in Nike, Adidas World Cup gear

By Mason Walker
New Media Manager

This summer’s World Cup in Rio will be toxic.

At least according to a study from Greenpeace Germany (… ).

The advocacy group analyzed 33 items made by Nike, Adidas and Puma for the 2014 tournament, screening for chemicals of concern in cleats, goalie gloves and the official “Brazuca” ball …

Sustainable Business Oregon – May 22, 2014, 9:57 am…


Madrid Bullfights Cancelled Because Too Many Matadors Have Become Human Shish Kabobs

By Staff, Associated Press

MADRID (AP) — Spanish bulls have scored a symbolic victory at Madrid’s prestigious Las Ventas ring by injuring three matadors and forcing organizers to call off the bullfight.

The fight, the 12th of the famed San Isidro festival, was stopped late Tuesday after bulls gored two matadors and tossed a third into the air …

RYOT – May 22, 2014 at 8:58 am…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 22, 2014)

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