Some species threatened by Japan’s coastal sea hunts

Written by AP

TOKYO – Japan’s hunts of smaller whales, dolphins and porpoises threaten some species with extinction, an environmental group said on Thursday.

Catch quotas are based on data collected as much as 20 years ago and some species have been over-hunted beyond the point of recovery, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) said in its report.

The lucrative market in live catches for aquariums, especially in China, poses another risk, the report said …

Business Mirror – 02 Nov 2013…

More information:

Group: Japan sea hunts risk for species, consumers…


Sea Shepherd captain expects Australian government support for anti-whaling campaign

By David Weber

Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson is expecting the Abbott Government will support the anti-whaling campaign due to start in the Southern Ocean, at least in spirit …

Yahoo!7 News – November 2, 2013, 5:28 pm…


PETA Files Complaint Against Kickstarter Grad ‘RoboRoach’

By Charles Luzar

The crowdfunding campaign for the RoboRoach (… ) didn’t come without its fair share of controversy when it launched on Kickstarter back in June. The campaign aimed to crowdfund Arduino-powered kits that integrated with a cockroach’s nervous system and turned the animal into a living robot that could be controlled from a remote control …

Crowdfund Insider – November 2, 2013 1:59 pm

PETA Files Complaint Against Kickstarter Grad ‘RoboRoach’

More information:

Remote-Controlling Cockroaches is Against Law – PETA…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Nov 02, 2013)

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